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Highlights / Visions

Highlights / Visions

Highlights / Visions
Perceptions, intuitions and utopias

This exhibition prompts a dialogue among the selected works of Italian and international artists and architects present in the MAXXI collection around the theme of vision, that is, the capacity to see objective reality and transfigure it in a subjective dimension.

Perceptions, intuitions and utopias are the instruments artists use to present us their ideas about the world and about how to change it.

Sou Fujimoto, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paolo Soleri, Luca Vitone, Franz West and Chen Zhen draw inspiration from a continual need for transformation, while different their poetics share a tension towards a renewed reality in which nature and artifice coexist in harmony.
Starting from a perception, and with the aid of science, technology, art, culture and politics, the selected artists and architects modify the way we see, hear and interpret reality.

MAXXI National Museum Rom

Highlights / Visions

Via Guido Reni 4A, 00196 Rom 
Di–Fr+So 11–19 Uhr, Sa 11–22 Uhr
arcguide Sonderausgabe 2023
arcguide Partner

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Konradin Architektur
Titelbild md 03-04
03-04.2024 kaufen


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