AZC Architectes
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AZC Architectes

AZC Architectes
AZC Architectes
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Über uns
+33 155 252 494
+33 143 730 282
AZC Architectes
Herr Grégoire ZÜNDEL
18 avenue Parmentier
75011 PARIS
Grenelle tower | Atelier Zündel Cristea

Unsere Philosophie:

“How to consider the ecological urgency and positive integration of new technologies in each new project?

How to seize the need to build to do it better, by giving sustainable answers and adapted to the needs of cities development?

How to reconsider each constructed building, before deciding on its demolition or rehabilitation, asking the right questions about the recycling of its material?

How to give time to study projects, without yielding to ease and short-term considerations?

How to design and build sustainable buildings that have a positive impact on the environment and the development of people?

For us, doing architecture is not linked to a specific program, but to a process.

Building a building is still a long and very impactful act on resources, energy and context, while the uses to which it responds are, more and more, inconstant. To continue to respond to these uses without depleting resources, we have two approaches: one is to design sustainable structures capable of adapting to the greatest number of uses; the other, lightweight structures that are easy to move or recycle to meet specific and ephemeral needs.

Founded in Alsace, in 2001, by Irina Cristea and Grégoire Zündel, AZC is today a Parisian architecture agency composed of about twenty people, which realizes various projects: new constructions or rehabilitations, for the use of offices , housing and private or public facilities.

In 2012, we are the winners, with Architram, of two metro station architecture competitions. Carried by the RATP, the first competition that is part of the Projet du Grand Paris, involves us in the construction of four new stations of the line 14, between the Gare Saint Lazare and the City Hall of Saint-Ouen.

The second competition led by Rennes Métropole entrusts us with the construction of the four stations of the new B line, including the Gares station. The eight metro stations that will be delivered in 2020, are exceptional sites by their complexity and their public character.

In 2015, the agency won a new metro station for Line B, Lyon-Sud Hospital, currently under construction.

For us, every project is a commitment made to the city, to our customers and to ourselves, to achieve a quality architecture that is evolutionary, sustainable, useful and economical.”

 Aufmacherbild: ©Sergio Grazia

Grégoire ZÜNDEL, Colmar – Frankreich
1955: Abschluss des Architekturstudiums an der ENSA in Strasbourg
1996-2000: Mitarbeit im Büro von M.Fuksas, J.Ferrier (Paris), Terry Farrell & Partners (Hong-Kong)
2004-2006: Lehrbeauftragter an der Architekturschule ENSA in Strasbourg
2001: Bürogründung von AZC mit Grégoire Zündel
Nationalität : französisch, schweizerische, amerikanische
Irina CRISTEA, Bukarest – Rumänien
1995: Abschluss des Architekturstudiums an der ENSA in Strasbourg
1996-2000: Mitarbeit im Büro von M.Fuksas, DuBesset-Lyon (Paris) und Hsin Yieh (Hong-Kong)
2001: Bürogründung von AZC mit Grégoire Zündel
Nationalität : rumänisch, französisch

Sonstige Auszeichnungen:
2005: Wettbewerb GRAND EST, 1er Preis für das Projekt Finanzamt in Muntzenheim
2008: ARCHITECTURE=SUSTAINABILITY, Ausstellung in Paris mit dem Projekt „Planchette“
2009: EDF Wettbewerb – C02 Reduktion, 1er Preis für „Haus in der Strasbourg Strasse“
2010: EVOLO COMPETITION, spezielle Erwähnung für „Tour Evolo 10“ in Paris
2011: WAF, Finalist mit den 4 U-Bahn Stationen in Rennes
2012: MIPIM AWARDS, 1er Preis für das Gebäude „ZAC Claude Bernard“ in Paris
2012: ARCHTRIUMPH COMPETITION, 3er Preis für “ Contemporary Bridge ”
2012: A+ AWARD, 1er Preis für “Contemporary Bridge”
2013: ARCHTRIUMPH COMPETITION, 1er Preis für “Battersea Power Station”
2013: ARCHTRIUMPH COMPETITION, 1er Preis für “Peace Pavilion”
2013: ICONIC GERMAN DESIGN COUNCIL, Winner für “Peace Pavilion” und “Contemporary Bridge”
2014: IN VITRO, Ausstellung in Paris, „Contemporary Bridge“

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