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Trinity Grammar Science Centre

Trinity Grammar Science Centre

This new building replaces former science classrooms which had reached the end of their useful life. The Science Technology Building comprises three levels of building with one level set below the existing adjacent quadrangle and the playing field and is a stand alone facility. Eight science classroom/laboratories are located at courtyard and first floor levels in two groups of four laboratories. Each group is supported by a large centrally placed preparation room and staff offices. Student access to the classroom/laboratories is via external covered walkways providing efficient cirulation routes integrated within the existing courtyard pedestrian precinct. The basement area houses the Technology Centre which comprises technology workshops, electronics and robotics labs, design lab, stores, research rooms and staff offices. Inclusion of a lift servicing all three levels insures accessibility throughout the facility for all users and visitors. The basement obtains natural light and ventilation from generous light courts located along the north and south faces with the southern court having a planted retaining structure leading up to the existing playing field.

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Trinity Grammar Science Centre

arcguide Sonderausgabe 2023
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Konradin Architektur
Titelbild md 03-04
03-04.2024 kaufen


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