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Material Future

Material Future

Material Future
The Architecture of Herzog & de Meuron and the Vancouver Art Gallery

Vancouver Art Gallery is proud to present an exhibition featuring the Pritzker Prize-winning Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron. Internationally renowned for their innovative and elegant buildings and their significant contribution to the design of contemporary museums, Herzog & de Meuron’s attention to materials, surface, site and context has defined a practice that is astonishingly subtle and complex. Material Future provides an opportunity to look closely at the design of some of their key buildings, produced during the past 15 years, including the Tate Modern and its new addition in London, the de Young Museum in San Francisco and the Schaulager in Basel.

A portion of the exhibition will focus on the planning, design and building process for the new Vancouver Art Gallery building. In the 84th year since its inception, the Gallery has engaged in a measured program of growth and relocation in order to meet the needs of its community and the Gallery’s collection. Material Future charts that history and the trajectory of the Gallery’s future growth, and it is a fitting prelude to the unveiling of the conceptual design for the new Vancouver Art Gallery building in spring 2015. The architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron is internationally renowned for its contribution to contemporary architecture. Their attention to materials, surface, site and context has defined a practice that is astonishingly subtle and complex. This exhibition will present a closer look at the firm’s design philosophy through a selection of their projects including museums and galleries around the world.

Die Ausstellung läuft noch bis zum 02.10.2015 in der Vancouver Art Gallery


» Vancouver Art Gallery


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