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Cool Gardens Summer 2015

Cool Gardens Summer 2015

Cool Gardens Summer 2015
Call for Entries

Anmeldeschluss 08.12.2014
voraussichtliche Entscheidung 16.01.2015
Abgabetermin 08.01.2015
Verfahren Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten)
Gebäudetyp Landschaft und Freiraum
Art der Leistung Objektplanung Freianlagen
Sprache Englisch

Cool Gardens is a public exhibition of contemporary garden and art installations that offers a shift of sensation for the summer—cooling—as a general theme for public projects in Winnipegʼs downtown. Cool Gardens brings architects, landscape architects, designers, artists, and the public together, celebrating the interface between urbanism, landscape and design. The competition will feature locally, nationally, and internationally acclaimed artists and practitioners in the Winnipeg context, highlighting the value of art and design in public space. Presented by StorefrontMB and The Forks, Cool Gardens was established as a central Canadian counterpart to the Reford / Jardin de Metis concept, that celebrates the interface between nature, art, urbanism and design. The exhibit has existed in Winnipeg for the past two years, with 2015 marking the third annual event. Past exhibitors include: BGL, SPMB, Sol Desharnais, Scatliff+Miller+Murray, Ewa Tarsia, ATLRG, and Claude Cormier [ providing a visiting garden from the Jardins de Métis ]. The event is highly accessible to a broad audience including children, tourists, shoppers, bicyclists, and business people.
Cool Gardens mirrors Winnipegʼs internationally acclaimed Warming Huts Winter Program. Cool Gardens places
design culture at the center of the summer activities in Winnipeg, while offering pleasant relief from summerʼs
exasperations. Installations will run from Broadway Avenue to Provencher Boulevard, highlighting this generally
unrecognized pedestrian linkage that bridges the Anglophone and Francophone communities. Installations along this
axis provide an engaging, creative, and active experience of downtown Winnipeg.
The Exhibition will take place from July 4th to September 26th, 2015. In addition to three new gardens selected by competition, Cool Gardens 2015 will include an invited garden by internationally recognized visual artists Rodney Latourelle and Louise Witthöft, a sonic landscape curated by La Maison des Artistes, as well as, the re-mounting of
two previous gardens: Beachscape [ SPMB ] and Cool Dots [ Eva Tarsia ].


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