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Architecture of Embodiment

Architecture of Embodiment

Architecture of Embodiment
An aesthetic research dispositive

The three-year aesthetic research project Architecture of Embodiment by Alex Arteaga, performed through aural and visual research practices, aims to develop an understanding of the built environment from the perspective of theories of embodied and situated cognition, in particular, relating to the enactive approach. The basic idea of these theories is that thinking is a process performed by a body interacting with its surroundings. The main research question in this project is: How does architecture condition the emergence of sense? In other words: How does the construction of our surroundings interfere in the way we relate to our environment, in the way it appears to us as a coherent and viable whole? Through the configuration of the dispositive presenting the outcomes of this project, Alex Arteaga also addresses the question of the public presentation of artistic research.

Aedes am Pfefferberg Berlin

Architecture of Embodiment

An aesthetic Research Dispositive
Eröffnung: 7. Oktober, 18.30 Uhr
arcguide Sonderausgabe 2023
arcguide Partner

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Konradin Architektur
Titelbild md 03-04
03-04.2024 kaufen


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