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Eileen Gray | Online-Event

Eileen Gray | Online-Event
Architectural Drawing as Spatial Praxis

Architectural Drawing as Spatial Praxis
Tempe à Pailla, Sun Orientation, EG:2003.11, Eileen Gray Collection II

Architectural Drawing as Spatial Praxis – Eileen Gray, war irische Innenarchitektin (1878 – 1976). Ihr Tisch E.1027 ist ihr bekanntester Produktentwurf, der als Design-Klassiker unverändert nachgebaut, aber auch plagiiert wird. Erst zum Ende des 20 Jahrhundert wurden ihre Entwürfe angemessen gewürdigt. Ihr bekanntestes Wohnhaus ist das E1027 Roquebrune-Cap-Martin an der Französischen Riviera.

This presentation examines the relationship between Eileen Gray’s distinctive drawing techniques and the spatial qualities of her architecture. It begins with Gray’s sketches for the Galerie Jean Désert in Paris, carried out (most likely with Jean Badovici) in 1922, and extends to her drawings for the houses E 1027 in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin (1926–29) and Tempe a Pailla outside Castellar (1931–35).

Meet the Speakers:

Caroline Constant is professor of architecture emerita at the University of Michigan. In addition to her contributions to the Bard Graduate Center exhibition catalogue Eileen Gray (2020), she is author of The Modern Architectural Landscape (2012), Eileen Gray (2000), The Woodland Cemetery: Toward a Spiritual Landscape (1994), and The Palladio Guide (1985), as well as co-editor, with Wilfried Wang, of the exhibition catalogue Eileen Gray: An Architecture for all Senses (1996).

Emma Cormack is Associate Curator at Bard Graduate Center and the curatorial and editorial assistant on the Eileen Gray project.

Wo: Online-Event

Wann: 17.10.2020, 14:00 Uhr

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