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African Modernism

African Modernism

African Modernism
In the 1950s and 1960s, most African countries gained independence from their respective colonial power. Architecture became one of the principal means by which the newly formed countries expressed their national identity.

In the 1950s and 1960s, most African countries gained independence from their respective colonial power. Architecture became one of the principal means by which the newly formed countries expressed their national identity. Parliament buildings, central banks, stadiums, convention centers, universities and independence memorials were built, often to heroic and daring designs. At the same time, these buildings exemplify also the difficulties, contradictions and dilemmas these countries experienced in their nation-building process.

This groundbreaking new book investigates for the first time the relationship between architecture and nation building in Ghana, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, and Zambia. It features 103 buildings with brief descriptive texts, images, site plans and selected floor plans and sections. The vast majority of images, commissioned especially for this book, is contributed by Iwan Baan and Alexia Webster. Their photographs document the buildings in their present state. Each country is portrayed in an introductory text and a timeline of historic events. Further essays on post-colonial Africa and specific aspects and topics, also illustrated with images and documents, round out this outstanding book.

Published to coincide with an exhibition at Vitra Design Museum Gallery in Weil am Rhein.

Winner of the FILAF d'or, the first prize for Best Books on Art 2015 at the FILAF (The International Art Book and Film Festival).

Named one of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2015.

Winner of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2016.

Named one of the ten

Designed by Marie Lusa.


Authors & Editors

Zvi Efrat; Hans Focketyn; François de Font-Réaulx; Till Förster; Manuel Herz; Julia Jamrozik; Hannah Le Roux; Léo Noyer-Duplaix; Ingrid Schröder

1st edition, 2015

Hardback (flexicover)

640 pages, 909 color and 54 b/w illustrations, 246 plans

23.5 x 32 cm

ISBN 978-3-906027-74-6

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